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翻译并非一一对应Apple asks developers to place its login button above Google, Facebook苹果强制开发者将蕞新登录按钮置于谷歌、Facebook之上

June 4 – Apple Inc will ask developers to position a new “Sign on with Apple” button in iPhone and iPad apps above rival buttons from Alphabet Inc’s Google and Facebook Inc, according to design guidelines released this week.


“Sign on with Apple” button 使用苹果账号登录按钮

design guidelines 设计准则

The move to give Apple prime placement is significant because users often select the default or top option on apps. And Apple will require apps to offer its button if they want to offer options to login with Facebook or Google.


prime placement 黄金位置

default 默认

Apple unveiled its login button on Monday, emphasizing users’ privacy and also introducing a feature that randomly generates an email address to avoid revealing the person’s true email.


reveal 公布

Many consumers choose to sign in to independent apps using their accounts from Google or Facebook because it saves the trouble of having to create and remember separate user names and passwords for dozens of different apps.


But the login buttons can send some data back to their makers about the user’s app habits. Apple’s software chief Craig Federighi said during a keynote address on Monday that Apple was seeking to give users a more private option and developers a way to offer a fast one-step login without sending their user’s data to another company.


keynote address 主题演讲

fast one-step login button 快速一键登录按钮

Apple’s guidelines do not appear to impose requirements on apps that have their own dedicated login system and do not use third-party buttons from Google or Facebook, such as apps from game maker Nintendo Co Ltd. Apple’s button also works on websites. Its use will not be required because Apple does not hold review power over websites the way it does apps on its own store, but Apple’s guidelines still ask it to be given top placement if it is used.

苹果证实,那些拥有自主专用登录系统,不使用谷歌或Facebook登录按钮的应用,也不需要使用苹果的登录按钮,例如游戏开发商任天堂的应用。苹果的登录按钮也适用于网站,但不会强制使用,因为苹果在网站平台并不具备像App Store那样的应用审核权。但是如果网站想要使用苹果登录按钮,苹果依旧会要求将其置于蕞上面。

review power 审查权

Apple declined to comment further beyond its executives’ public remarks on Sign in with Apple. Facebook and Google declined to comment on the move, though Google said it does not require use of Google’s login button for apps in its Play Store on Android devices.

苹果、谷歌以及Facebook不予置评。不过谷歌已表示,不会要求Play Store中的Android应用使用其登录按钮。

Apple’s guidelines to developers around login tools come as developers and rivals have alleged that some of its App Store practices, such as taking a commission of up to 30% of sales made through the store, are anticompetitive.

苹果的这一强制举措正值开发者和对手对其App Store做法发出反竞争指控之际,例如收取30%的App Store收入分成。

commission 肖售佣金;服务费 [商业]


United States antitrust regulators are also laying the ground for a potential antitrust review of Apple and other major technology companies, Reuters reported Monday. In an interview with CBS News that aired on Tuesday, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said it was “fair” for regulators to scrutinize Apple given its size but said the company is not a monopoly in any of the markets it operates in.





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